Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

VLCD # 40

Wow, I can hardly believe today is day 40!!!!!!!!!  I got on the scale this morning and lost .6lbs!  I hit my goal!!  I'm now down to 241 lbs.  There is a possibility that I could get into the 230's before phase 2 is over.  That would be fabulous.  To have started in the 270's and ended in the 230's would be so super awesome.  =)  We'll see.  For now, i'm just pumped that i've lost 30.4 lbs.  If someone had told me that I would lose this much in 40 day's I would've thought they were high. 

I need to get my rear in gear and quick.  I got a call yesterday that an inspector would be coming to our house today between 8am and 4pm to inspect the installation of our new heat pump.  It's 8:15 and I'm still in my pajamas.  Eeeeek!!!

It's been a good day.  I'm drinking some "lemonade" that's pretty darn good.  Stevia, lemon juice, and water.  I sooo need to go buy some more strawberries.  I'm getting super tired of apples.  lol  stupid apple day

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