Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Feeling sorry for myself.

I wish food wasn't so important to me.  Although I don't obsess over it as much as I did 2 months ago, I still feel completely drawn to it.  I think about it entirely too much.  I almost despise going grocery shopping now because walking around and seeing all the foods I cannot have and smelling the bakery and or deli drives me nuts.  I guess it's the 20+ years of bad eating habits that have lead me up to this point.  Obviously being 126lbs overweight (sigh) proves I cannot control myself.  Yet here I am, after losing over 30 lbs, feeling sorry for myself because I cannot go down into the kitchen and eat whatever I want.  Self control is SO hard!  I know I can do this for the long haul.  I've done it almost 2 months now.  I haven't had any sugar in almost 2 months.  That's a crazy thing for me to even say.  It feels good though, kind of like a badge of honor.  If Erica the sugar/carb whore can go almost 2 months w/o cheating, anyone can. 

Time to get in bed before I do something stupid and have to forfeit my new badge.  =o)

1 comment:

MJC on HCG said...

I'm in the same boat, lady. I'm hoping by the end of the second round that I won't still be this consumed with food. This is exactly what quitting smoking feels like...at first it's ALL you can think about, and eventually the desire dies down a bit, but there's always that little something in the back of your mind. That's exactly why I've quit...and re-started...smoking so many times in the last 14 years. My goal (after I'm done losing weight) is to be done with cigarettes once and for all. I just can't handle both at the same time, I would go insane.