Weight Loss Tracker

Friday, August 13, 2010

VLCD # 35

Well I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I cheated a bit yesterday and totally paid the price for it. I was making dinner for the family last night and I was pretty hungry and cranky. I guess hunger gets worse during TOM. lovely ANYWAY, so I bbq'd up some chicken breasts that had been marinating in Yoshida sauce (yum!) and since I was tired and feeling quite lazy I ended up eating 3oz of yoshida chicken (totally not on protocol). I also ate two slices of ripe cantalope (totally not on protocol). It's really the 1st time I've ever cheated. I don't know why I did it other than I wasn't in the mood to make myself food after I just made everyone else their food. Lazy me!! I woke up around 2am with a migrane so bad I could barely function. I took some excedrine migrane and it took a good few hours for the headache to go away completely. I KNOW it was caused by the sugar in the food I had last night, even though it wasn't much. It made me realize just what a poison processed sugar is and how it's so harmful to the body. UGH! I will NOT make that mistake again. Lesson learned, big time!

Good news, I woke up and lost .6lbs! I was actually expecting a gain after my foolish choices last night. I'm down to 243.2 lbs or a total of 28.2lbs lost. yahoo!!!! I might actually make my 30lb goal after all. =)


MJC on HCG said...

I'm glad you're doing this first. It's nice to learn from mistakes before I have to make them for myself! I'm sorry you had a headache! I have a huge brick of food sitting in my stomach right now. I never want to eat again!

hiddenbeauty said...

I just tried leaving a comment on your blog and it wouldn't let me. grrrrr

Haha I totally know what you mean by "a brick in your stomach". I thought for sure I was going to LOVE loading days, and instead I was frustrated that I was having such a hard time eating. lol