Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

R4 VLCD 11

Yesterday was a really bad day, for so many reasons.  I went to bed cranky and woke up feeling so refreshed and relaxed, despite only getting 5 hrs of sleep.  I got on the scale this morning and it said I didn't gain or lose anything.  After about an hour I got on again and it showed a 1 lb loss.  I got on again an hour later and it still showed a 1 lb loss.  So YAY I lost a lb!! 
Amanda is doing great!  Yesterday she lost .4, today she lost .6 and she said her hunger is pretty much completely gone.  I'm so happy that she's had several days of consistant weight loss now. 
I just can't get over how good I feel today.  I feel so positive and happy......despite how I'm still waaay behind weight loss wise.  Although if this is truly all caused by an old set point, then I have no reason to be all upset.  I was reading some blogs last night on some people who follow the Atkins diet.  I lost 60 lbs doing that diet years and years ago and I know it works.  They were saying if you have a several month stall there were things you could do to help kick on weight loss again.  I started to think how pathetic I was to be crying to myself in my bathroom over my week long stall/gain.  Part of the process of losing weight is losing and gaining and losing and gaining, but the losing is more than the gains and eventually through lots of work and dertmination you reach your goal.  I need to stop comparing myself to people who only have a few lbs to lose or those who are losing much much faster than me. 
I am me, and the things my body does in reaction to this diet are ok.  If it takes me several months longer than I anticipated to get to my weight goal, that's ok.  The important thing is not giving up. 
I read a quote from Dave Ramsey last week and it really hit home.  I know I won't say it perfectly but it was something along the lines of.......When the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change, only then will you embrace change.   How true that is....in so many aspects of life.  Weather it's weight, financial, spiritual......it really touched me.  Anyway the thought of even staying at the weight I am currently is unacceptable.  I don't want to be this heavy.  I would not be happy stopping at this point even if I stabilized 100%.  So the pain of staying the same is far too great than the pain to continue my weightloss journey. 
Anyhoo, that's enough rambling for today.  Take care you guys.....keep going.


Bre said...

Wow Erica. What you said was really great and I love that quote and what you had to say. You truely are an inspiration! I love your positivity and a I glad to be able to call you friend! <3

hiddenbeauty said...

Awww thanks girly!!♥