Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, January 16, 2011


After much research and consideration I've deceided to take a break from hcg.  My body just isn't releasing any weight.  I talked w/ a gal who coaches those on hcg and she thinks my body is exhausted from "cycling.  It's recommended that beween round 1 and round 2 that you take a full 6 week break ( 3 weeks of phase 3 and 3 weeks of phase 4).  Between your 2nd and 3rd round you should take an 8 week break (3 weeks on phase 3 and 5 weeks of phase 4).  etc etc etc

Well I've been waiting only 2-3 weeks between rounds.  Although you can't become immune through the homeopathic hcg, you can exhaust your body....which is what I think I've done.  Sooo instead of sitting around and twiddling my thumbs,  I'm going to be doing Atkins.  I started my Induction round today.  Where I basically can only eat 20 or less carbs a day for 2-6 weeks.  I've done Atkins before with wonderful success.  I will do Atkins for 2-3 months and then will probably do another 6 week round of hcg.  This time I think I'm going to try injections.  Partially because I'm curious if it'll feel any different from the drops and partially because I hate trying to remember to take my drops 3 times a day.  With 3 kids and the million things I do on a daily basis....the once a day shot seems like it would be way easier.  Of course it's pretty expensive.  So I want to make sure my body has fully rested before I tell it it's pregnant again.  lol

Although weight loss through Atkins isn't as fast as hcg, it's still faster than many many other diets. It'll be nice to get rid of some more weight while I'm waiting to start hcg again. 

I plan on weighing only once a week while on Atkins.  I will contiue to blog, even thought the title of this blog is "hcg diet adventures". 

Today I got up and had a string cheese, but my daughter mooched half of it, so I had another one before we went to church.  Afterwards I made myself a turkey burger w/o any bun.  I also made a nice helping of fauxtatoes.  Cauliflower "mashed potatoes".  It was delicious!  I'm sooo full and feel so very happy and content.  So far today I'm at 8 carbs. 

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