Weight Loss Tracker

Friday, September 3, 2010

Totally cheated

Ugh is all I have to say.  =(

Benjamin really wanted to go out to dinner.  So we went to Tomato Street since we still had several free kids meal cards.  I ordered a salad w/ some stuff mushrooms in alfredo sauce.  It was beyond delicious.  I had water to drink and no bread.  Up till that point I was doing great.  Then the waitress offered orange creamsicle cheesecake.  I thought to myself that cheesecake wasn't so bad, especially if I didn't eat the crust.  I took one bite and all my strength went out the window.  I snarfed down the entire slice in 2.6 seconds flat.  It was so yummy!!!  Within a few minutes I felt really sick and got quite the migrane.  It's probably from the sugar.  Now I'm not looking forward to getting on the scale tomorrow.  Stupid cheesecake!  It's been over 4 1/2 hrs since we had dinner and I'm still feeling a bit sick.  Blech.  I hate that feeling.  You really don't realize how awful sugar is until it's completely out of your system.  This was a very slender slice of cheesecake and most cheesecakes aren't sugar laden.  Even so, it made me feel awful.  I sincerely hope I learned my lesson and that I don't cheat for the remainder of phase 3.


MJC on HCG said...

I bet the scale doesn't really budge this morning. You've been on P3 for a while, and could probably eat a little starch or sugar here and there just like if you were starting to move into p4, right? (Or whatever the phase is called where you slowly start adding starch and sugar back into your diet). Orange creamsicle cheesecake...I'm sure I couldn't have resisted either!

hiddenbeauty said...

I think you can start adding starch and sugar back in around the beginning of the 4th week on P3. Like week 4, 5 and 6 of P3. I'm super thankful I didn't gain anything.