Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, November 1, 2010

R2 P3 Day #4

Not much to report.  I am up a full pound from my LDW.  I'm not too suprised.  I ate 3 mini yorks yesterday and a couple handfulls of roasted pumpkin seeds. All things considered I behaved better this halloween than I ever have.  Today I'm 100% back on track and will be researching some yummy P3 recipes I can make.  Hubby is home sick and I'm still feeling a bit under the weather myself.  I have a slight sore throat and a slight runny nose.  My poor husband and children are super sick. 

The last few days I've been researching "super foods" and I'm in awe.  I want to know more.  They say knowledge is power.......I want to know as much about these foods as possible.  They're like miracle foods.  If I had my way I'd incorporate them all into our daily diets.  I did buy 5 of them the other day.  Spirulina, raw honey, kelp, goji berries, and cacao nibs.  I was thinking of stopping babysitting this December.....but now I think I'll keep watching Wyatt, it'll give me some extra $$ to buy some of these amazing super foods.


Bre said...

We got to play with cocao nibs in my last class when we started making our chocolates and such. Have you ever seen the colors on a cocao pod? Way colorful and bright and pretty. Maybe this is why I love chocolate so much!

Unknown said...

I've just seen them on videos and in pictures....not in person. They were very neat.