Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

R2 P3 Day #6

I'm feeling SO much better today.  Pretty much back to normal.  I also lost the 2 lbs I gained yesterday, putting me at exactly 1 lb over my LDW.  I'll definitely take it!  Egg day went pretty good yesterday.  Last night after we went and voted my husband wanted to go to JB's for dinner.  He loves their chicken fried steak breakfast.  I was a good girl and ordered an omlet and substituted my hashbrowns and toast for a bowl of fresh fruit.  My dinner was delicious and I felt very satisfied.  I have also been great w/ not eating my kid's halloween candy.  I'm drinking lots and lots of water and am overall really rocking P3.  I'm starting to feel that itch again though.....the itch to start P2 and lose more weight.  =) 


MJC on HCG said...

I got used to the way I look in the mirror now with my new smaller size, so now I'm back to seeing all the extra weight that I still have to lose. I'm ready to start again!

Bre said...

Yeah for losing the 2 lbs! It must have been a fluke!