Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Phase 3 Day #20

I got on the scale today after a day of drinking almost zero water and eating too much salt.  To my great suprise I'm still within my 2 lb LDW.  Today I'm going to really up the water......I feel so thirsty it's weird! 

I'm feeling really depressed today.  All I can say is it's a damn good thing my husband is out of town till Friday.  Normally I'd let my feelings dictate how I chose to eat.....not today.  I'm not going to sabotage my diet just because I'm angry with my spouse.  I deserve to be healthy, I deserve to be happy. 

1 comment:

Bre said...

Yay!! You're blogging again! I have missed reading yours and Mia's blogs!

Sorry you are upset with your hubby. Glad you aren't going to eat your emotions! I know that is what I used to do!!!

I'm sorry you are feeling depressed too! I think you are amazing and I am honored that I get to call you friend! <3