Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Doom and Gloom

I thought I was suffering from allergies on friday and saturday.....once Sunday hit I realized that I was coming down with the flu.....AGAIN!!! Everyone loved my cake. It was fun to see them all oooh and ahhhh over it. =) I left my parent's house at 5pm and whenI got home I crawled into bed and slept until 8am the next morning. I got up and made my son's lunch for school and sent him out the door to catch the bus. Since my other son and daughter were still sleeping I deceided to go back to bed for a little while. My son woke me up at 1:00pm because my phone was ringing!!!!! My poor kids were up and alone and never got breakfast or lunch. I felt sooo guilty! They were in good spirits though. They'd been gorging on Easter candy and watching cartoons. I went to bed early last night even though I'd slept for most of the day. I woke up today still feeling awful, but considerably better than the day before. I kept forgetting to post a picture of my new Vibram shoes. I love them!! Just wish they weren't so ugly. Photobucket


Bre said...

That is alot of sleeping but you obviously are needing it!! I hope you feel better soon!!

hiddenbeauty said...

Feeling a wee bit better today. thank you =)