Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So I went to get my adjustment done and a massage this morning.  The gal who does my massages also lost a bunch of weight on homeopathic hcg so that always makes me feel good.  She also uses only coconut oil when doing massages....which of course is the only oil allowed while on protocol.   When I got home I got undressed and got on the scale again.  I just couldn't believe I'd gained 1.8 lbs overnight.  Behold it showed only a .2 lb gain.  I'm still mad that it shows a gain at all......but .2 is easier to deal with than 1.8!!


Bre said...

I'm glad is was a fluke! I hate having a gain day it's so discouraging. I'm glad everything is working itself out for you! I texted pics of my baby cake to your phone!

hiddenbeauty said...

Oooh I'll have to go check my phone, thanks!!