Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

R3 VLCD #13

I was very excited to wake up to a 2.6 lb loss.  Only 1.8 more lbs to go before I hit the elusive 50 lb mark.  Yay!!!!  I was soo scared with the weird gains and stalls lately but after much research and talking to various people I'm convinced I've been stuck at an old set point.  About 8 years ago I was working at Java on Sherman and a baker at night and a barista/manager by day.  I was about this weight for a little over a year.  The end of round 2 I ended up ending a few days early because I just wasn't losing anything.  Makes sense if I'd hit that set point and it explains why it's taking me 13 days to move past it in this round.  Good grief!  I guess Dr. Simeons actually knew what he was talking about.  ;)

I feel great today.  Zero hunger, I don't feel swollen like I did yesterday.....overall really good.  I feel confident that I'll get to my 50 lb goal by this weekend and then I can start looking ahead to my 100 lb goal.  It'll be fun just to get to where I was when I was dating my husband.  I was about 170-175 lbs and I felt really good in my skin.  I'm even more excited to see what I look like at my idea weight.  I haven't been at my idea weight since I was 8 years old.  That will be a VERY good day.♥

1 comment:

Bre said...

Yay for that massive weight loss! You will be past 50 by this weekend for sure! Congrats!! WooHoo!!