Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I feel soooo good today!! Yesterday went really well. I only felt hungry right before meal time. Other than that, zero hunger. I also was able to down another gallon of water very easily. THANK YOU JESUS!! I was really scared to start this round, esp after all the trouble I had w/ the last few rounds I tried to start. I still don't have a blasted battery for my scale. My hubby was convinced he had a spare somewhere and after looking EVERYWHERE he came to the conclusion the he did NOT have a back up. After the little boy I babysit gets picked up, I'll be taking my dead battery to Radio Shack and get a new one. Although I'm tempted to wait until a full week has gone by before I step on the scale. I don't know, we'll see. I tend to change my mind on a whim.

Tomorrow my friend, Amanda, goes to the Dr. and finds out the sex of her baby. I'm so excited for her! The suspense is driving me nuts!

1 comment:

Bre said...

I am glad this round is going so well for you! Hooray!