Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, July 12, 2010


I did really good yesterday. Our family went to a birthday party and yet again I had to say no to more cake, UGH! And these were those really huge Costco cupcakes. I instead brought a water bottle and a baggie of apple slices, cucumber slices, and celery sticks. I slowly munched on those while everyone else snacked on cookies and cupcakes. For lunch I had just some boiled chicken with some steak seasoning on it. For dinner I had more chicken with broccoli and for dessert I had another apple. I drank about 3L of water w/ lemon in it. I woke up this morning and lost another 1.2 lbs. That's a total of 4.6 lbs lost. =) I've been sleeping really deeply the last few nights. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the drops and or diet, but either way it's a nice change. I usually have very restless fitful sleep.

I'm anxiously awaiting tomorrow's weigh in.

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