Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I followed the diet to a T yesterday, despite it being my son's 8th birthday. I didn't have any of the cake or ice cream. Oh that cake smelled so good! BUT I didn't cheat so that made me feel really good. I ended up drinking an entire gallon of water yesterday, woohoo! I got on the scale this morning and dropped 3.4 lbs. So my new weight is 268.0
I am looking forward to the day that I'm under the 200lb mark. I haven't been there for over 8 years. I did get pretty hungry around dinner time yesterday and I had to force myself to calm down and meditate on what my goal was. I know the 1st several days can be tuff. I survived yesterday, so now I'm that much stronger. =)

I have another birthday party to go to today, ugh!! I'll be bringing my water and a baggie of cucumbers and celery to hold me over. I'm excited to get on the scale tomorrow and see how much more I've lost.

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