Weight Loss Tracker

Thursday, November 11, 2010


YAWN!!  Soooo sleepy today!  Last night we stayed up and watched The Road.  It was kind of a creepy movie and I had a hard time falling alseep.  Then I woke up super early to the sounds of my kids crying because my husband forgot to put the dog back in our bedroom before he left for work.  Apparently the pup was licking and chewing on them trying to play.  ugh

So I went to bed at about midnight and woke up at 5am.  Joy of joys. 

Yesterday was a busy day.  I had conferences for both boys and I had a bunch of errands I had to run.  Since I was away from home so much and I forgot to bring my water bottle I ended up drinking only about 1 liter of water instead of my usual 3-4 liters.  Then at dinner I ate some fairly salty foods......so I think the extra salt, the small amount of water and TOM caused to be at 3lbs above my LDW as of this morning.  Dang.  Today I will make sure I get a gallon in and I'll really be careful with the foods I eat.  Hopefully TOM leaves soon and I'll be able to get back in my little safety bubble. 

Today I go pick Mia up at the airport, yay!!! 

1 comment:

Bre said...

You ladies have fun this weekend! Sorry about your gain today! I am sure it will leave you tomorrow!