Weight Loss Tracker

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Loading Day #2

I woke up this morning to a 1 lb loss.  Weird.  I never did eat dinner last night. Although when I was getting ready for bed around 10pm I started to feel a bit hungry.  I realized that besides two maple bars I had no junk food or high fat food in the house whatsoever.  There were some avocados, but they weren't ripe and I wasn't in the mood to whip up anything with coconut oil, so I went ahead and ate both maple bars.  Blech!  It felt more like torture than anything.  I need to take my drops this morning and then figure out what I'm going to have for breakfast.  Benjamin wants to go out to the Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  I think I'm going to order potato skins for dinner.....I loooooove potato skins and with bacon and cheese and sour cream, that should be a decent loading day dinner.  Anyhoo, off to bake up a batch of cinnamon rolls.  I still have some dough from the orange rolls that has to be used up today.  Happy loading!


MJC on HCG said...

I lost a pound yesterday too, although I know I lost it because I drank last night and now I'm seriously dehydrated today! I forced myself to eat mcdonald's for breakfast this morning. It's just another thing to add to my list of things that used to taste really good and now I don't miss anymore!

hiddenbeauty said...

Hmmm I wonder if lack of water is the reason I dropped a pound too. I drank a venti starbucks latte yesterday and another cup of coffee in the evening during the party. I maybe had 3 glasses of water. Dang

I knew eating donuts and losing weight was too good to be true. LOL