Weight Loss Tracker

Friday, September 24, 2010

cheated =(

I don't know what happened to me this evening.  I went to costco to get some groceries and diapers.  I walked out with a box of mini York Peppermint Patties.  Within 5 minutes of getting into the van I opened the box and popped one into my mouth.  =(  WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!?!?!  I only had 1, but still it's like 50 freaking calories and has 10 grams of sugars.  Wahhhh!!!!  My husband wanted to go out to dinner tonight.  I ended up eating some chicken and asparagus before we left so I wouldn't be tempted to eat at the BBQ joint.  I did take a bite of plain brisket and ordered a diet coke.  Today started off so well, it just didn't end so good.  =(   booo

I'm scared to get on the scale in the morning.

BTW I confessed to my husband that I bought the candies and asked that he hide them from me so that I wouldn't be tempted to hork down the entire box.  I know what I'll be giving out to the kiddies this halloween.  lol 
I will save a few so I can enjoy them on my next load.



MJC on HCG said...

Who couldn't resist a york peppermint patty? I love those darned things. When you go on p3 next time, look for the sugar free version. I think they are actually made by Russell Stover. If you can't find them, let me know and I will bring a few bags when I come visit. I ate one or two a day (which was definitely enough to curb my craving for them) and had no gain issues.

You have to quit being hard on yourself. Think of how much self-control you have had to use during the last two or three months of this diet. Good grief, I'm not strong enough to get past three weeks of VLCD, and here you are doing six week rounds. I bet the scale didn't freak out on you this morning at all. Plus, I'm glad you cheated because now I don't feel so alone lol. Today is another day!

TonnieLoree said...

I finally figured out how to post to your blog. Score one for me. Hey, you did the right thing by asking your hubby to hide them. Costco could be a virtual nightmare for me, especially if you go at noon time when there are all of those people offering samples. I swear I have had lunch there while shopping. They are evil I say, EVIL!

Bre said...

Oh Erica! It was only 1 so don't be too hard on yourself. I bet you won't do it again though. Lol. We all have "relapses"!! I chew a stick of sugar free gum when a craving for something naughty hits me and I can't take it anymore. Lol. But I will only chew it for like 10 minutes tops because I feel like I am cheating. Lol!

You are doing a wonderful job still in my eyes!!