Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, August 16, 2010

VLCD # 38

Well I haven't gotten on the scale yet today.  We had guys come to install our AC unit early this morning.  Yay for air conditioning!!  So I was rereading my HCG Weight Loss Cure  Guide this morning and realized that after your last dosage of drops you need to wait 72 hrs before eating any phase 3 foods.  I was going to stop taking the drops Thursday evening, but that would mean I couldn't eat phase 3 foods till 8pm on Sunday.  I don't eat that late, so instead I'm going to take my last dosage of drops at 8am Thursday morning, so on Sunday morning I can start enjoying phase 3 foods.  I'm soooo making an omlet w/ cheese and bacon that morning!  Mmmmmmmm

I'll update more after I've done my weigh in.  I'm hoping I hit my 30lb loss.

ETA: Well I finally got on the scale at 11:00 just to find out I didn't lose anything.  =(  Oh well.  I only drank 2 liters of water yesterday instead of my normal 4 liters and I got very little sleep due to fighting w/ my husband.  I've read that if you don't get a good amout of sleep that your losses the following day can be little to nothing.  So with those two factors, I'm not too suprised to have lost zero.  I'm totally confident that I'll get to my 30 before Friday.  =)

The air conditioner is installed and working like a charm.  Yay!  I think after the kids have lunch that I'll put on a movie for them while I take a little nap.  Maybe this afternood the hubby and I can sit down and talk through our differences.  I don't know what the heck is going on with us lately, but it's seriously wearing on me.


MJC on HCG said...

Ooh, I hope you guys were able to sort things out. Fighting with Aaron is the worst thing ever. I don't feel normal until things are resolved. I'll be praying for you, and you can call if you need to vent or cry (or both!).

MJC on HCG said...

P.S. I'm sorry you didn't lose yesterday, but I bet if you had weighed first thing in the morning before you drank any water you probably would have lost some, huh? I'm watching Food Network right now and making myself crazy!!!

hiddenbeauty said...

Lol I actually didn't drink anything after I got to weigh in. So I really didn't lose anyting. =( Phooey. I have high hopes for tomorrow morning though. =)

I had strawberries and scrambled eggs for lunch, and beef stew for dinner. I made stew for the family. I took out 4 chunks of meat and just the celery for me to eat. I didn't thicken the sauce, so I think it was just fine to eat. I finished off the day w/ a nectarine. I LOVE reading food blogs and watching food shows. It's hard to do while on this diet. lol

hiddenbeauty said...

Oops I meant to say, I didn't eat or drink anything until after the AC workers left and I could get undressed to get on the scale.

When hubby got home from work I told him I blamed him for me zero weight loss. lol

MJC on HCG said...

LOL...I bet he felt terrible when you blamed him, too.

Have you eaten much cottage cheese on this diet? I see its a questionable item, but honestly, if i can't take that for lunch every day, I might not make it very long lol. I can't stand leftovers so I was thinking that some cottage cheese and fruit might be okay during the weekdays. I bought the 1% fat cottage cheese because I hear that the non-fat has a ton of starch. What do you think?

hiddenbeauty said...

I honestly haven't had any cottage cheese yet. I see some people have great results w/ it and others it can cause a stall.

Nononono don't talk about not making it very long. At least go a full short round ( 3 weeks). ;P