I had a super awesome day yesterday. I got up early and picked up my girlfriend and we went to Starbucks. I ordered a small coffee, w/ a TBS of milk and I added a few drops of chocolate stevia. It was OK. It's the 1st time I've had coffee since starting the diet. I drank about half of it and threw the rest away. We went for a long walk downtown and then walked the board walk. By then the shops downtown were opening. We looked in toy stores, an Irish store and some art galleries. Then we had lunch ( apple slices and chicken) and went to see the movie Inception.....totally freaking awesome movie! Then we went to a couple flee markets and finished off by going to Pilgrims Market. I got a jar of almond butter, and some organic fruits/vegetables. I dropped off my friend and went to visit my parents and then went to walmart to grab some ice cream for my husband. I got home and the kids were fed, the house was clean, and a bunch of yard work was done. =) I should go out more often!!! lol
I finished up the day with some more chicken, asparagus, and a few of the organic strawberries. Heaven! I took a detox bath, read a good book and went to bed.
Woke up this morning to a .8 lb loss! I'm only .4 away from hitting 30 !!!!!!!!!
What is the detox bath, and what does it do for you?
A detox bath is a bathtub filled with as hot of water and you can stand w/ 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of epsom salt. You soak in it for 20 min.
Supposedly since our bodies are losing fat so quickly the toxins that are stored in the fat can just sit in our bodies, disrupting the fat release process. So the bath helps eliminate the toxins, thus keeping fat loss at a high level. I take one about once or twice a week. I'm not sure if they really work, many people swear by them. It seems like if i'm kind of stalling a bit, a bath helps gets things moving again.
Ooops I meant, a lb of baking soda and a lb of epsom salt. Not one cup of each.
SWEET...I will definitely keep that in mind! I'm scared that I will wake up tomorrow and not have lost any weight. I guess I kept thinking that I would FEEL different. If I felt different then it would seem like something's happening I think.
Make sure you're chugging your water! Your body needs it to flush the fat out. =) Bye bye fat!
I got my baking soda and epsom salt at Costco.
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