Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Well I realized the info I'd gotten about plasma donation was slightly incorrect. I guess the 1st time you donate in a week you get $20 and the second time you donate (as long as it's within the same week) you get $30.....it's an incentive to get you to come back more often. I really need to get some milk and half n half at Costco today, but have pretty much nothing in our checking acct, so I think I'll go and get my 2nd donation in as soon as my husband gets home from the airport. It should take about 45 min today.....not too shabby.

Whatever dark mood I've been in the last few weeks seems to have lifted. I feel really upbeat and joyful. Maybe it was all the sun I got on Sunday....like i'm on a vitamin D high or something. lol

I'm having my parents over for dinner on Saturday evening. I can't really afford to buy my mom anything, so making her dinner and a small Mother's Day cake will be her gift. It's weird to see trees blooming and flowers popping up and still see snow in the mountains.

I really want to blog about something that happened but can't just yet. I can't remember if I gave this certain someone the link to my blog. It sure would be awkward to blog about someone only to have them read it and get their feelings hurt. We'll see.....


Bre said...

I heard it hurts when you donate plasma and they use a big needle! I am scared! Can you donate on the same day as your pysical? Mine is next Saturday! I am excited for extra money.

hiddenbeauty said...

It hurts more to get my finger pricked so they can test the iron/protein levels. The needle has never bothered me. Those people are really good at what they do. Don't be scared!! Yes, after your orientation and physical you donate and get you little debit card. $50 a week is a nice little extra income. Make sure you eat about an hour before you go to the center and make sure you're really well hydrated....the better hydrated you are the faster the plama donation process is. =)

Bre said...

Ok! Thanks for the heads up!