Monday, May 30, 2011
Once again I'm having trouble w/ blogger. I can't seem to comment on anyone's blogs and my last few blogs haven't even shown up. This is a test, AGAIN, to see how it's working.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I feel soooo good today!! Yesterday went really well. I only felt hungry right before meal time. Other than that, zero hunger. I also was able to down another gallon of water very easily. THANK YOU JESUS!! I was really scared to start this round, esp after all the trouble I had w/ the last few rounds I tried to start. I still don't have a blasted battery for my scale. My hubby was convinced he had a spare somewhere and after looking EVERYWHERE he came to the conclusion the he did NOT have a back up. After the little boy I babysit gets picked up, I'll be taking my dead battery to Radio Shack and get a new one. Although I'm tempted to wait until a full week has gone by before I step on the scale. I don't know, we'll see. I tend to change my mind on a whim.
Tomorrow my friend, Amanda, goes to the Dr. and finds out the sex of her baby. I'm so excited for her! The suspense is driving me nuts!
Tomorrow my friend, Amanda, goes to the Dr. and finds out the sex of her baby. I'm so excited for her! The suspense is driving me nuts!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Yesterday was tough. I was suprised that I really didn't battle hunger at all, but I had the mother of all migranes. I slept just awful. My husband was out of town on business and I never sleep well when he's gone. I woke up feeling refreshed and my headache was barely noticable. I'm just starting to feel a slight twinge of hunger and it's 9am. I'll probably wait and have an apple at 11:00 and then lunch at 1:00. I'll have dinner at 6:00 and my last piece of fruit around 8:00. Spreading my food around like that really seems to help. I was able to get in a full gallon of water yesterday quite easily. Although I felt like I spent half the day in the bathroom. I'm going to go to Radio Shack today to get a new bathroom scale battery. Hope the sun stays out today, it's such a mood lifter. =)
Monday, May 16, 2011
HCG Day 1
I am SUCH a moron. I got on the scale again this morning only to realize I still haven't gotten a new battery for it. UGH!! Oh well. Today is VLCD #1. I am going to do a full 6 week round. This round I'm going back to the basics. I'm not going to doctor up my recipes, I'm going to do a round exactly like I did w/ my very first round. Super simple, and as close to the original protocol as humanly possible. Yesterday I went to Super Supplements and got some magnesium and potassium. I will take those in conjunction w/ my daily multivitamins, vitamin c, and my super B complex. I'll be drinking 4 liters of water daily (roughly 1 gallon). As much as I DO NOT want to be doing hcg again, I guess it's the only sure fire way to lose some more weight before the wedding. I also REALLLLLLLLY want to be down another 15-20 lbs before I see my in-laws. My MIL always makes horrible rude comments to me about me weight.....this time I'll be lighter and smaller than her and she'll have NO ROOM to speak to me that way.
Yesterday I went and bought tons and tons of flowers and spent the afternoon planting and getting really dirty. The last 2 hrs of planting it started to rain. I was insistant about getting my flowers planted because it looks like it's supposed to rain for the next 10+ days. When I had finished I was drenched and covered w/ mud. It was so worth it though! I rewarded myself with a hot bubble bath. =) I need to go out today and buy some more food for my diet. I need some lettuce, tomatoes, asparagus, apples, and some strawberries.
My husband wants to go camping in about a month from now. I'll still be on hcg so that's totally going to stink! I wont be able to enjoy eating campfire hotdogs and S'mores!! Ahhhh!!!!!! My life revolves around food way too much! lol I guess it'll be a good lesson that I can still enjoy camping with my family despite not being able to eat the same foods as them.
I don't have any cakes due till June 12th. I'm scaling back a bit on my orders through the summer. I want to enjoy my time w/ the kids w/o feeling overwhelmed w/ cakes. I have two cakes in June, two in July, and two in August.
I HATE Idaho food laws!!! Apparently me selling cakes to family and friends is completely illegal. I'm really only charging people for the cost of materials and ingrediets.....nothing at this point has been a profit. Even charging people for the cost of materials is illegal. I'd have to have a completely separate kitchen if I wanted to have a business out of my home. Or I could rent a commercial kitchen. I can't even imagine how expensice either one of those options would be. I still plan on making cakes for family and friends and I still plan on charging them for the ingredients. At some point getting a job at a cake shop would be ideal, but at this point I have to learn the art of cake making and decorating somehow! Esp since I don't live anywhere near a school. Ugh! The whole thing really irritates me.
*UPDATE* It's 3:30pm and I have a raging migrane. I am 100% sure it's from no sugar and no caffiene so far today. I'm looking forward to being a week into this diet. By then pretty much all hunger and headaches are gone.
Yesterday I went and bought tons and tons of flowers and spent the afternoon planting and getting really dirty. The last 2 hrs of planting it started to rain. I was insistant about getting my flowers planted because it looks like it's supposed to rain for the next 10+ days. When I had finished I was drenched and covered w/ mud. It was so worth it though! I rewarded myself with a hot bubble bath. =) I need to go out today and buy some more food for my diet. I need some lettuce, tomatoes, asparagus, apples, and some strawberries.
My husband wants to go camping in about a month from now. I'll still be on hcg so that's totally going to stink! I wont be able to enjoy eating campfire hotdogs and S'mores!! Ahhhh!!!!!! My life revolves around food way too much! lol I guess it'll be a good lesson that I can still enjoy camping with my family despite not being able to eat the same foods as them.
I don't have any cakes due till June 12th. I'm scaling back a bit on my orders through the summer. I want to enjoy my time w/ the kids w/o feeling overwhelmed w/ cakes. I have two cakes in June, two in July, and two in August.
I HATE Idaho food laws!!! Apparently me selling cakes to family and friends is completely illegal. I'm really only charging people for the cost of materials and ingrediets.....nothing at this point has been a profit. Even charging people for the cost of materials is illegal. I'd have to have a completely separate kitchen if I wanted to have a business out of my home. Or I could rent a commercial kitchen. I can't even imagine how expensice either one of those options would be. I still plan on making cakes for family and friends and I still plan on charging them for the ingredients. At some point getting a job at a cake shop would be ideal, but at this point I have to learn the art of cake making and decorating somehow! Esp since I don't live anywhere near a school. Ugh! The whole thing really irritates me.
*UPDATE* It's 3:30pm and I have a raging migrane. I am 100% sure it's from no sugar and no caffiene so far today. I'm looking forward to being a week into this diet. By then pretty much all hunger and headaches are gone.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
BLOGGER is on my crap list......
I've been trying to blog for the past few days and blogger wasn't working. =( I've been soooooooooo busy! Between babysitting, taking care of my 3 kids w/o hubby (he's been out of town) and making two cakes, I haven't had much time for anything. I did go out and pick up a bottle of hcg, so Monday I will start a 6 week round.
Here are some pictures of my last two cakes. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

Here are some pictures of my last two cakes. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Make up your freaking mind.......
I've been so busy the last few days!! It's only going to get more crazy since I babysit today through Friday. My husband is out of town on business again. I have a cake due tomorrow and another one due on Saturday. I have to take my oldest to Karate today, but am not sure if I can handle sitting in that teeny tiny room w/ my two spastic children for an hour. I couldn't sleep last night due to taking a couple excederine to get my migrane to go away. Needless to say I was up till 12:30 am baking up my colorful cake layers. I baked up a red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple 9" layers. Today I will level them, dirty ice them, and covered everything in the lime green fondant. I made my rainbow colored gum paste bow yesterday and I think it turned out pretty cute. I've tried a few different buttercream icings and I think I've finally settled on one that everyone likes that best. What a difference it makes using the right kind of shortening!!
Today I will bake up the cake layers for the electric guitar cake and start making all the little knobs and buttons w/ gum paste. I'm a litte nervous about this cake......I've never had to carve a cake before and this one I'll be using some techniques I've never attempted. Good thing it's for one of my best friends. She is super easy going and said that as long as it even looks remotely like her son's guitar he's going to be thrilled....still I want to do the best I can.
I think I'm going to go ahead and do a 6 week round of hcg starting this following Monday. I'm just not losing the weight I want for the upcoming wedding. I've been sooooo busy I haven't had sufficient time to workout the way I was hoping I could. I still get in my workouts here and there, but definitely not as often as I should. I'd like to get a 6 week round in and have my 3 weeks of phase 3 before we go to Boise for the wedding. If I start on Monday, I'll be just going into phase 4 by the time we leave. I know my husband wanted me to lay off the hcg and just do diet and exercise but with all that's been going on there is no way I'll be able to fit into anything remotely cute if I don't lose another 20-30 lbs. He's just going to have to deal with the inconvenience. I need to do this for me.
Hope you all are doing well......I wouldn't know because hardly anyone blogs anymore. *wink *wink =)
Today I will bake up the cake layers for the electric guitar cake and start making all the little knobs and buttons w/ gum paste. I'm a litte nervous about this cake......I've never had to carve a cake before and this one I'll be using some techniques I've never attempted. Good thing it's for one of my best friends. She is super easy going and said that as long as it even looks remotely like her son's guitar he's going to be thrilled....still I want to do the best I can.
I think I'm going to go ahead and do a 6 week round of hcg starting this following Monday. I'm just not losing the weight I want for the upcoming wedding. I've been sooooo busy I haven't had sufficient time to workout the way I was hoping I could. I still get in my workouts here and there, but definitely not as often as I should. I'd like to get a 6 week round in and have my 3 weeks of phase 3 before we go to Boise for the wedding. If I start on Monday, I'll be just going into phase 4 by the time we leave. I know my husband wanted me to lay off the hcg and just do diet and exercise but with all that's been going on there is no way I'll be able to fit into anything remotely cute if I don't lose another 20-30 lbs. He's just going to have to deal with the inconvenience. I need to do this for me.
Hope you all are doing well......I wouldn't know because hardly anyone blogs anymore. *wink *wink =)
Monday, May 9, 2011
Mother's Day
I celebrated Mother's Day with my mom on Saturday. I had my parents over for dinner. I grilled up salmon that had been marinating in fresh garlic, dill, lemon juice, olive oil and a little salt and pepper. We also had roasted asparagus and a lovely salad topped w/ sliced fresh strawberries, slivered red onions tossed w/ a blush wine vinegrette. For dessert I brought out cake and ice cream. This cake was a white vanilla cake, raspberry filling and a vanilla buttercream. It all so delicious. We had a lovely time visiting and having a meal together. Here is a picture of my mother's cake.

I really wanted a simple yet elegant look. The swirls were meant to look somewhat floral. I used two tones of buttercream to deepen the visual effect. Mom loved it and that made my day.♥
Yesterday my hubby let me sleep in while he made the kiddos homemade waffles. Then we went to Fred Meyer to get some good grocery deals. While there we saw some beautiful art work that we both loved. We bought 3 huge pictures. It felt sooo good to get some color on the walls. We've lived in our house about a year now and really hadn't put anything up. It's really starting to coming together, I love it!
Today I will be start working on my two cakes. I plan on making a rainbow colored loop bow out of gum paste and a few other decorations. I have a bunch of running around to do. I can't believe how fast I'm going through powered sugar! lol
I've been eating very healthy the last several days and it feels great. I plan on starting up my couch to 5K training this evening. I'm determined to be able to run a 5K by this summer.
Hope you all have a lovely day.
I really wanted a simple yet elegant look. The swirls were meant to look somewhat floral. I used two tones of buttercream to deepen the visual effect. Mom loved it and that made my day.♥
Yesterday my hubby let me sleep in while he made the kiddos homemade waffles. Then we went to Fred Meyer to get some good grocery deals. While there we saw some beautiful art work that we both loved. We bought 3 huge pictures. It felt sooo good to get some color on the walls. We've lived in our house about a year now and really hadn't put anything up. It's really starting to coming together, I love it!
Today I will be start working on my two cakes. I plan on making a rainbow colored loop bow out of gum paste and a few other decorations. I have a bunch of running around to do. I can't believe how fast I'm going through powered sugar! lol
I've been eating very healthy the last several days and it feels great. I plan on starting up my couch to 5K training this evening. I'm determined to be able to run a 5K by this summer.
Hope you all have a lovely day.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
You all know I babysit a 2 yr old a few days a week. His mother and I have a pact to tell the other person if our children get sick. If my kids even have the slightest sniffle she'll freak out and not want to bring her son over for me to watch. So today she drops off her son 45 minutes late and then tells me he's been throwing up and had liquid poo issues for the last 4 days. The poor kid is as white as a sheet. He kept laying down on the floor, not interested in playing or eating. While here he would not use the toilet (he's potty trained) but boy did he have an explosion in his pants. I contacted his mother and she left work to come pick him up. I'm going to be really frustrated if my kids come down w/ his flu. I made the kids wash their hands several times while he was here and bleached everything after he left. *sigh*
I ran to the store this afternoon and bought several bags of marshmallows to make my homemade marshmallow fondant. I'm going to get as much done ahead of time as I can for the two cakes I'll be doing next Thursday and Friday. The more I can get done now, the less stressed I'll be when it comes time to put everything together.
I ran to the store this afternoon and bought several bags of marshmallows to make my homemade marshmallow fondant. I'm going to get as much done ahead of time as I can for the two cakes I'll be doing next Thursday and Friday. The more I can get done now, the less stressed I'll be when it comes time to put everything together.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Well I realized the info I'd gotten about plasma donation was slightly incorrect. I guess the 1st time you donate in a week you get $20 and the second time you donate (as long as it's within the same week) you get $'s an incentive to get you to come back more often. I really need to get some milk and half n half at Costco today, but have pretty much nothing in our checking acct, so I think I'll go and get my 2nd donation in as soon as my husband gets home from the airport. It should take about 45 min today.....not too shabby.
Whatever dark mood I've been in the last few weeks seems to have lifted. I feel really upbeat and joyful. Maybe it was all the sun I got on i'm on a vitamin D high or something. lol
I'm having my parents over for dinner on Saturday evening. I can't really afford to buy my mom anything, so making her dinner and a small Mother's Day cake will be her gift. It's weird to see trees blooming and flowers popping up and still see snow in the mountains.
I really want to blog about something that happened but can't just yet. I can't remember if I gave this certain someone the link to my blog. It sure would be awkward to blog about someone only to have them read it and get their feelings hurt. We'll see.....
Whatever dark mood I've been in the last few weeks seems to have lifted. I feel really upbeat and joyful. Maybe it was all the sun I got on i'm on a vitamin D high or something. lol
I'm having my parents over for dinner on Saturday evening. I can't really afford to buy my mom anything, so making her dinner and a small Mother's Day cake will be her gift. It's weird to see trees blooming and flowers popping up and still see snow in the mountains.
I really want to blog about something that happened but can't just yet. I can't remember if I gave this certain someone the link to my blog. It sure would be awkward to blog about someone only to have them read it and get their feelings hurt. We'll see.....
Monday, May 2, 2011
Monday Monday
Yesterday was a lovely day with the family. We got a bunch of yard work done and got the rest of our bushes planted in front of the house and hubby put together a pretty circle of stones to put my whiskey barrels on so I can plant my petunia waves. It's really starting to feeling like we're putting our own spin on this house. I can't believe how expensive it all costs though. yikes!
My nasty flu/cold is on the mend. I'm anxious to start running up again. I'm taking lots of vitamins and drinking lots of water to help flush the toxins out from being sick. I don't want to push myself too much too soon, I just can't handle getting sick again. I still haven't gotten a blasted battery for my freaking scale. I need to make that a priority this week. On the other hand all my clothes are fitting great so I don't think I'm gaining anything.
My nasty flu/cold is on the mend. I'm anxious to start running up again. I'm taking lots of vitamins and drinking lots of water to help flush the toxins out from being sick. I don't want to push myself too much too soon, I just can't handle getting sick again. I still haven't gotten a blasted battery for my freaking scale. I need to make that a priority this week. On the other hand all my clothes are fitting great so I don't think I'm gaining anything.
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