Hubby and I got into a HUUUUGE fight this morning. UGH! I hate weekends that start off like that. I ended up going to starbucks and getting a mocha and a slice of their lemon loaf. Then after lunch I had lots and LOTS of smore's bars (golden grahams cereal w/ chocolate and marshmallows made into bars). I hate how I eat when upset. My stomach hurts really really bad. I'm not used to all that sugar not to metion the amount of food. blech
Tomorrow I need to get a really good treadmill workout in. I need to chanel my frustrations into working out and not eating. I have had so many nights of crappy sleep......tonight I'll be taking a couple tylenol PM's to help knock myself out.
I'll be making an Italian Cream cake for Easter. I plan on decorating it w/a basket weave design to look like an actual Easter basket. It'll be filled w/ all kinds of sugar flowers. The following week I'll be making a Twilight themed cake. I'm excited!! A couple weeks after the Twilight cake I'll be doing a lime green fondant cake decorated w/ peace signs. Inside will be a rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple cake layers. FUN! I also have an electric guitar cake to make for the same weekend. I was thinking about trying something fun and girly for Mother's Day. We'll see. I might be sick of cake. (yeah right!) lol
I'm sorry you guys got into a fight! I understand about eating your frustrations... I still do it.
I am very excited to see the rainbow cake!!! Just beause I love rainbows but still excited to see your other cakes as well! Perhaps this coming weekend we can go to that cake store? Have a girls day?? I wish we went to the same gym so we could work out together... kickboxing is great for frustrations!
I'd love to go to the cake store this Saturday. I'll have to make sure I don't have anything going on 1st. It'd be nice to get out for a bit w/o kids and the hubby. =) Yeah I soooo miss going to the gym. It would be fun to have a workout buddy. =)
aww, i'm sorry i haven't been on lately E! i've been really busy, and not dieting because i was rocking TOM, i'm going to do a 3 week round after i'm done, and i will be more on top of everyone's blogs, if you ever want to come to colorado for a vacay, between mia and i i'm sure we can accommodate you! love your bright shining star face!
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