Blah, I feel so icky. I've been battling extreame nausea the last 3 days. My ears have also been tender and I'm wondering if an ear infection is causing my equalibrium to be out of balance which in turn is causing the neasea. Either way it sucks big time. The nausea comes in waves. Sometimes it causes me to actually get sick and sometimes not. I had a teeny bite of cake at Sarah's party, but couldn't choke is down. The flavor of the strawberry cake was nice, but it made my tummy scream at me. =( booooo!
I start loading for my 4th(redo) round of hcg this Thursday. My sister in law will be visiting us from Texas on Wed, Thrus, and Friday. I figured we'd be making some extra special food since she's here and it would be a perfect time to start loading up. Although the thought of loading at this point makes me want to run to the restroom. And for those that think I could be pregnant, that's a no. Hubby went and got the "man surgery" after Sarah was born. =)
My inlaws will be flying up from Texas this June and I'd love to be down another couple of sizes by then. My mother in law has commented on my weight since the day she met me over 10 yrs ago. She once even asked me if I thought Benjamin really loved me since I gotten so heavy. Who asks a person that?! It looks like they'll be coming at the end of June so that gives me 3 months to hunker down and lose another 30 lbs or so. Each time they come to visit they get a hotel w/ a big pool so the kids can swim with them. I NEVER NEVER go swimming because I've been so ashamed of my body. Although I won't be "thin" by June, I'll definitely be at a place where I'll be proud to put on my "momma" bathing suit and join my kids in the pool.
Hang in there girlies, knock out this round with a bang. I'm cheering each of you on! Mia, you are doing soo good! I feel like a proud mother hen. You've been so diligent with your workouts and I'm thrilled at your success thus far. ♥
E ~ I would strongly suggest buying some tea tree oil (you should be able to get it at pilgrims) for your ears. Just a few drops in both ears and let it set. And sweet oil (you can buy that at any Walgreens or Rite Aid and it's basically just super refined sweet olive oil) will help with the pain, too. This is what we did when Chloe had an ear infection and the infection cleared up within 30 minutes and we never had to take her to the doctor.
I'll be buying some oil tomorrow. ♥
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