Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Despite washing all the sheets and cleaning bathrooms and the kitchen w/ bleach, we're all still passing around this awful cold/flu.  My daughter is feeling the worst.  She just layed around all day whimpering because everything hurts.  My husband came home from work and ate a bowl a soup and went straight to bed, he's finally gotten the sickness as well.  I felt ok for most of the day and now my skin is starting to become really sensitive and my stomach is a bit queasy.  ugh!  It's so very very frustrating.  I haven't been counting carbs the last couple of days because I've been so overwhelmed w/ sick kids and feeling icky myself.  Hoping and praying we all get well shortly.  I'm so very tired of being so sick and tired.  =(

1 comment:

Bre said...

I hope you and your family feel better soon my friend!