17 more days until I get to start loading up for round 4. It seems like an eternity. I'm soooo ready to start hcg again. It's funny how when you're on the diet it seems like all you can think about is being off of it and when I'm off of it I just want to be on it again. figures
My husband went to Costco the other day and bought me a TomTom. I am such a pathetic person. I get terrified to drive in Spokane......literally terrified. I like to know where I'm going. Exact street names, which lane I need to be in etc etc. When I'm in Spokane it overwhelms me and I panic. There are so many times I want to go to Spokane and go to various places but will never venture there alone. I always make my husband drive. Anyway, he broke down and bought me a TomTom so I can start to drive in Spokane by myself. Next Saturday I'm taking Amanda to The Melting Pot and I was in a full blown panic attact because I didn't know how to get there or get home. Yesterday hubby installed the device and let me drive there myself .......we basically did a dry run. It was pretty smoothly. There were a couple moments where the TomTom didn't tell me to get over into the correct lane as fast as I would've liked....but now that I've been there and back.....I feel confident I won't die next Saturday when I'm on my own. lol
So next Saturday I take Amanda out for her birthday, then a few days later it'll be my daughters 4th birthday....but we'll wait to celebrate until the following Saturday, so everyone who works can attend. Then a few days later my sister in law will be staying with us a few days....and I'll be using the Thursday and Friday she's here to load for round 4. It's going to be a crazy 3 weeks.
I'm a little bummed that I'll be on hcg during my 9th wedding anniversary....but in a way it's the best gift I can give myself. Last year I was 275 lbs and miserable. I felt huge, ugly, and so unworthy of my husband. This year I'm already 50 lbs lighter and hopefully by my anniversary I'll be around 60 lbs lighter than last year. I'll be doing a full 6 week round and will also be taking the appropriate 6 week break before I start round 5.
1 comment:
I know that feeling of panic when driving somewhere unfamiliar (you should have seen me trying to navigate Denver when I first moved here - it was sad!). Something that I do to calm my nerves when I'm not sure of where I'm going is to tell myself all the time that I can turn around if I pass the street I need to turn at. It works most of the time. When I first moved to Denver, all I knew was to take I25 to I70 and take I70 west to Wadsworth. Well, I passed the I70 exit on accident so I took the next exit at Park Avenue (figuring that I could get off at Park Avenue and then get back on I25 going the opposite direction). Well, Park Avenue does not have a place to get back on the freeway! So I basically got stuck driving around downtown Denver in rush hour traffic frantically searching for any street name that I recognized, or a payphone or anything. It was terrifying!
I want a Tom Tom!
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