Only lost a few ounces since yesterday. I drank a little over a gallon of water and steered clear of the salt. It's my mom's bday today, so the kids and I are going out to get her a gift and then I'm going to go visit w/ her a while. I'm anxious to see the scale really start moving in the right direction again.
Oh my gosh! I had a friend a long time ago that was passing a kidney stone. I've never seen so much pain on a face as I saw on hers. I am glad that is all it was. (I'm not saying "all" lightly). Commendations to you for not cheating. You deserve a triple gold medal for that emotional time. Best wishes to your Mom, and to you. You will get through this mess together.
Only 29 more days until you know what. I'm glad your mom is did her birthday go? What did you guys get her?
Mom was in great spirits yesterday. She was trying to go to work and I had to practically yell at her to stay home and rest at least for one day. Esp since she hasn't passed the stone yet.
I got her some black gel eyeline that she's been wanting ever since she saw me start to use it. I also got her a gorgeous bouquet of lilies and roses. I stayed and visited with her for about an hour and a half. It was overall a nice day and she enjoyed her birthday. =)
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